Trodat Classic daters are the time-tested solution for marking dates and text on paper. Made from durable stainless steel, rubber date bands, and plastic date changing wheels, this stamp offers durability and virtually no maintenance. 

Please note these hand stamps require a separate ink pad.

Trodat 1000 Classic Stock Dater

Easily imprints the month, day, and year. 1/8" character size.

Trodat 1010 Classic Stock Dater

Easily imprints the month, day, and year. 5/32" character size.

Trodat 1020 Classic Stock Dater

Easily imprints the month, day, and year. 3/16" character size.

Trodat 1117 Classic Stock Phrase Dater

Easily imprints the month, day, year, and a stock phrase. 5/32" character size.

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